Take your family on a leaf hunt this fall. It can be in your own backyard or a local park. Spend an afternoon collecting leaves with shapes and colors that you love and then use them to create a candle jar that is the perfect centerpiece for your Thanksgiving table.



- Clean Mason Jar (You can also use a clean spaghetti sauce jar.)
- Mod Podge (Make your own with 2 parts white school glue to 1 part water.)

- Paint Brush

- Leaves


- Prepare your leaves. This step takes some planning and patience. Gently place the leaves you have chosen for your jar between two heavy books and allow them to sit for a few hours, ideally overnight.
Once the leaves are pressed flat, coat your jar with a layer of Mod Podge. This will help your leaves stick to the jar.

- Arrange the leaves onto the jar in any manner you choose. You can even overlap the leaves.

- Paint the Mod Podge in a thick layer over the leaves and allow to dry. (Remember, the Mod Podge will dry clear.) 

- Once dry, place a small votive candle or tea light inside and light!