
Help A Girl Reach her Full Potential


July 30, 2014
Together, we can make a difference to the next generation of women, helping them develop self-esteem to take on the world of possibilities.

Many of us may know that beauty comes from within, but believing we’re beautiful isn’t always easy. Sometimes, no matter how good we look or feel, a hurtful comment or a bad day can be all it takes to knock our confidence. For as many as six in ten girls, body image issues prevent them doing activities they love. No girl should be held back in life because of anxiety about how she thinks she looks.

Self-esteem is about more than just confidence in the way you look; it comes from loving and valuing every part of who you are and having the confidence to share your beauty, inside and out, with the world. As parents, it’s essential we help our children build a healthy and positive self-esteem, so they develop the confidence and determination to face problems head-on and take on new challenges independently.

To help support the great work of parents, teachers and mentors around the world, Dove has worked with experts to create toolkits and resources through the Dove Self-Esteem Project. These toolkits are designed to open up conversations about body confidence, helping girls to find inspiring role models and see the unique beauty in each and every one of us.

So far, Dove’s self-esteem programs have reached over 12 million girls and young women. With your help, even more girls can develop the confidence to become unstoppable.

Together, we can make a difference to the next generation of women, helping them develop self-esteem to take on the world of possibilities.

Help your daughter and her friends have the confidence to reach their full potential.
  • Talk with your daughter about body confidence and be a good role model
  • Share the materials with other parents and mentors
  • Organize a self-esteem workshop at your child’s school
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